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At the present time we are only able to provide a 'start of season' list of the rankings for Surrey registered players due to the way the info is provided by Table Tennis England. We are currently looking at solutions but in the meantime can only provide a link to the relevant page on the Table Tennis England website, if you wish to view monthly changes:

Click here for start of season rankings for Surrey registered players.

No.1 ranked Surey player for each category is as follows:


Senior Women - Mi Jung Choi

Cadet Girls - Lok-Yiu Lam

Lok Yiu LAM 2 2023.jpg

Senior Men - Darius Knight

Cadet Boys - Angad Saggu

Angad Saggu 2023.jpg

Junior Girls - Evelyn Pace

Veteran Women - Michelle McGovern

Michelle MCGovern website.webp

Junior Boys - Krish Chotai

Veterans Men - Adam Laws

Krish Chotai Nationals 2022.jpg

© Surrey Table Tennis Association

Selected Photos Courtesy of Michael Loveder Photography

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